Foundation Achievement Standard Lesson 6 – Classifying My Lunch


This activity could be completed as a handwriting / fine motor control activity during morning activities in the same week as the previous lesson.


A small box for students to place their 3 dimensional play dough items into OR a small paper plate per student.yoghurt

A small paper plate for Sometimes Foods in Activity 2.

A copy of the open lunch box picture each child completed in the previous lesson.

A handful of play dough or plasticine per child in various colours to make their lunch box items. You will need to share the colours around to ensure the children make their items in the correct colour to help them recognise the item later when classifying.

(Use a Creme of Tartar container available from the supermarket to get the play dough recipe and make a few smaller batches in different colours.)AGTHE_Poster_P(1)

5 large cardboard circles cut out in the shape of plates for classifying food in Activity 2.



As a follow up to the previous lesson, each student uses the picture they drew of their lunch in a lunch box to make the items from play dough. If someone was absent they can use a friend’s lunch box contents.


Ask students to sit in a circle with their play dough items on a plate in front of them.fruit

Place each large plate in front of a Food Group Chart for the students to see examples of foods in that food group.

Ask the students to take turns around the circle of noting foods in each food group the teacher points to.
Then take turns at putting any vegetables they have made onto the vegetable plate, then each has a turn around the circle of putting any fruit they have on the fruit plate.

Continue until all food groups have been covered.
Then go around the circle and ask students to explain any food items they have left to still classify and assist them in making choices.

Ask other students if they can suggest where an unclassified food may belong.
If the item is a sometime food, discuss sometimes foods and that they are not as healthy as other foods and we only eat them sometimes.

Discuss eating fruit and 5 vegetables every day.

  • Fruit
  • Vegetable,
  • Grains and breads and biscuits,
  • Dairy such as yoghurt, milk, cheese
  • Meats.

Sometimes food could be put on a smaller plate to show we only have a little and not often.


The items could be reused and reclassified during language sessions throughout the following week.

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