Foundation Achievement Standard Lesson 4 – Raw Vegie Challenge


Ask the children to wash their hands before the lesson begins. Reiterate the germs information they learnt in Lesson 2.vegetables

Brainstorm all the vegetables the students can think of and list these inside the vegetable shape.

Write any fruits they may incorrectly suggest inside the apple and explain that they are a fruit.

  • Choose vegetables that can be eaten raw and cut into small sizes for the students to taste.

    Toothpicks, a paper plate per student, serviettes, skewers, blind folds.

    Draw a picture of a carrot or a capsicum on an A3 piece of paper and put a heading “Vegetables”.

    Use an A3 sheet of paper to draw an apple and write the heading “Fruit”

    A camera to take a photo of the students doing the activities and the vegetable characters they create.


Blindfold Taste Test

This can be optional or only those who volunteer have a turn.vegetables2

Discuss the goodness in vegetables (and fruit) and that they have lots of minerals and vitamins that help to keep us healthy.

Show the students the cut up vegetables and ask them to name them.

Choose a willing student to sit on a chair in front of the class. Blindfold them and pass them a piece of fruit to feel first and have a guess what it is and then they taste it and guess again with the same answer or a new idea. Children watching confirm or not the student’s guesses. Ask the blindfolded person to take off the blindfold and explain the taste of the vegetable. Hand them a serviette to place any remaining food into and to wipe their hands.

Continue until you run out of volunteers. When 2 students have tasted the same vegetable, compare their responses to the vegetable. Discuss the difference between Yuk and Yum and Good for your body. They may not like the taste, but it is still good for their body


Ask students to once again wash their hands and sit at their table.vegetables3

Hand out a plate and a piece of each vegetable to each student. One student per table could be nominated as the waiter or waitress for the lesson and deliver the plates to the students.

The students taste each vegetable and decide whether they like the vegetable. Take a photo of each student during this stage to use for follow up activities.

They could have a picture of each vegetable you have chosen and tick or cross next to the vegetable as to whether they like it or not, forming a graph.

Clear away the left over vegetables and serviettes need to go in the bin. Keep plates.


Compare the answers of the children as a whole group by pasting the graphs to make a chart. Ask the students to look at a particular graph and tell you which vegetables that person liked and disliked.







On each table, place long skewers, tooth picks and a serviette. Students make a character by joining the vegetables together using skewers and or toothpicks. They may need help with vegetables such as carrot, (A few minutes in the microwave before this section of the lesson will help soften them slightly). Give the vegetable character a name. Take a close up photo of each student’s vegetable character (for follow up activities) and they can wrap it in a serviette and take home, or they can eat at the next break of recess or lunch.

Hand the children a small piece of each vegetable for their plate again


1) Draw a picture of their favourite vegetable on a B5 sheet of paper. These can be used in a further session to make a graph to show which vegetable is the most popular.

2) Cut out the vegetable and fruit shapes with the brainstormed ideas on them.

3) Draw pictures to match the words.

4) Suggest other fruits for the teacher to add the words and the students draw appropriate pictures.

5) Find pictures of fruits or vegetables in magazines or cooking books and cut out to stick on the A3 sheets of paper.


1) Print the photos of the student performing an activity and one at a time, students explain to the class what they were doing and the teacher writes the sentence on an A4 sheet of paper or lined handwriting paper. (If it is Semester 2, some children may like to have a go at writing the sentence themselves on a draft sheet.)

2) Trace over the words or copy the words underneath on handwriting paper

3) Copy the sentence and cut one up to match each word underneath.

4) Cut up the sentence and place in order, focussing on initial letter and word shape.

(a) Print the photos of the students’ vegetable character and one at a time, students explain to the class the vegetable character’s name and a story about where he lives.

(b) Record the stories and make into small books with a few words on each page. Children decorate the front cover, give the book a title and draw relevant pictures for each page. Share their story with a peer, share with another class, take home and read to their family.





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