Fearsome Fact Pt 1
Hand out a copy of Fearsome Facts – Soft Drinks Poster 1-3 per pair OR read from the whiteboard
Read as a whole group or in smaller shared reading circles. Ask the students the following questions:
What are the posters about?
What are the key messages the posters are attempting to communicate? (write their responses on the whiteboard to be used later)
Print out copies of each poster, enlarge and laminate to display in the room for the remainder of the year
Display only posters 1 – 3 on the whiteboard to begin the lesson
Copy of the Soft Drinks Poster 1, 2, 3 per pair
Poster 5 is the answers to Activity 2, so have it ready to display later in the lesson
(Poster 4 is to be used next lesson)
Computers to log onto www.snappywords.com OR dictionaries per pair
Laminating sheets for Activity 3 and coloured card.
Magnets to stick to the back of the fridge magnets if that is an idea you would like to offer for Activity 3.
Ask the students to explain the meaning of a variety of words in Poster 5 orally:
Acidic – Bacteria – Consume – Consumption – Converted
Damage – Decay – Dilute – Dissolve – Erosion
Frequently – Irreversible – Minimise – Neutralise – Plaque
Reduced – Replenish – Saliva
If you have computers, students can work in pairs and log onto snappy words to find meanings.rottentooth_01
If not, use dictionaries.
www.snappywords.com is a free visual dictionary which will enable the students to look up the meaning of the words.
The answers are on Poster 5.
Assign a word per pair or a few words per pair to look up and find the meaning.
Give them a post-it note for each word.
Upon completion students stick the post-it note next to their word on Poster 5.
They can check if they were correct.
Some answers may vary, so teacher may need to ask the students if they think their meaning is similar.
Now read through poster 1 – 3 as a whole group and use the explanations when you read difficult words.
Ask the students to find 4 key messages within the posters to take home and share with the family.
The ways this could be done are:
- Make a fridge magnet and laminate
- Make a sign for the fridge – pamphlet/brochure and laminate
- Make a poster for the bathroom and laminate
- Make a bumper sticker for the car and laminate
- Share their messages they design at the end by presenting to the class
- Keep a copy of their message for the next lesson