About Milk


Play the yes, no, maybe game with the students. Nominate one corner of the room as the yes zone, the opposite end of the room as the No zone and in the middle of the room as the maybe or unsure zone.

Choose some of the myths and facts from the Facts and Myths about Milk Poster and read them out to the students. The students decide whether or not they think the answer is yes, no or maybe and stand in the appropriate zone. Ask some of the students at the end of each question why they chose where the zone they are in and why they think yes, no or maybe. Then tell them the correct answer. Students could gain points for each time they are correct.

e.g. It is best for children to drink full fat milk and not reduced fat milk.

Answer: Full fat milk is only needed by children under 2 years old.



Although we use milk every day, lots of families do not know the truth about milk.milk_01

This information is an important message to relay to family members. A similar lesson is used in Band 3 to encourage the students to make their community aware. Activity 2 in this lesson gives a wide variety of suggestions for the teacher to undertake in how to inform community members. If unsure of the direction to take, discuss with the school staff or principal.


Print the A3 Myths and Facts about Milk poster

Other materials required will depend upon the ideas you choose from Activity 2

Students can also play the Interactive Game – Milk Quiz (not playable on ipads or iphones)










Read through the Facts and Myths About Milk poster and discuss the answers with the students. What is a myth? What is a Fact? Ask if students are surprised about the correct answer. Would their family be surprised about some of the answers?

How can the students let their parents/ family members know the truth about milk?

Should the whole community be told? How can we do that?


Follow up on the ideas the students had in letting their family and/or school community and/or their whole community know the facts.headphones_01

Some ideas may be:

Write a jingle

Make a radio play to record and play over the loud speaker at lunch time/before school

Write a script for a play to be shown to another grade, at assembly

Make a poster to be put near the canteen, in each classroom, in the front foyer

Make a brochure to be sent home to all families in the school explaining the class has the facts and wanted to share with the school

Write an Urgent Announcement for the newsletter

Make up a dance – rap/street rap/ hip hop with someone reading out the facts and others putting together moves to suit the words.

Film the dance/ role plays/ jingles

Write the facts on a sheet of paper and make the sheet into a paper plane. Use the paper planes to throw to students in another class who do not know the facts. The other students could respond with a question or if they do drink milk and which sort of milk they drink. Fold up the plane again and send back to the owner. Discuss the responses back in class.

Survey students around the school- (You could have 3 groups, each responsible for one of the questions and responsible for collection of data and graphing their results)

1. Do you drink milk?litemilk_01

2. Which sort of milk do you drink (Full fat or Reduced Fat)?

3. Do you drink milk every day?

Graph the results as a class and draw a large version of the graph on the concrete outside with chalk. Invite other classes and selected students could write a speech that explains the graph.

Run an information night for the class families /or the whole school

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