Sometimes Food
Place students into groups of 3. Give each person a role – Materials, Writer, Speaker
The Materials person collects an A3 sheet of paper, a black, red, orange and yellow texta for their group.
Draw student attention to the foods we eat in small amounts on the two posters and ask them to list the foods they see down the side of their page.
The Writer chooses the black texta and draws or writes the food items their group call out to them down the side of their A3 sheet.
In their small group, ask the students to discuss why they think the foods they listed are sometimes foods that we eat least.
The Speaker stands up from each group and one at a time explain their group’s ideas. (This gives the teacher an idea of pre knowledge)
Note to teacher: A similar lesson is being used in Band 1. It is important the students understand sometimes foods and why they are to be eaten only sometimes.
Print out one copy of each AGTHE & ATSIGTHE posters, as well as Who’s Not Been Eating Healthy Food – Outdoor Game
5 sheets of A3 or large butcher paper, each with a heading “Foods To Eat Least”
A black, red, yellow and orange texta per group (pencils can be used in place of textas)
Salt (in a shaker), sugar in a clear jar or cubes, oil in a clear bottle, butter or margarine in a clear container.
1 whiteboard marker per group (to be left on the whiteboard)
BluTak or pins to hang A3 sheets at end of session.
Draw the students’ attention to the food items out the front. Explain that we need to limit, (reduce, have less of), the amount of sugar, salt and fats we eat every day.
Now have the students choose one of the coloured text as each.
RED = Sugars
Next to each item drawn on the group’s sheet, the students draw a cross if they think their coloured texta (fats, salt or sugar) is found in the “Sometimes” food item. When complete, some items may have all three crosses.
Ask the Materials person to hold the sheet and the Speaker to stand and point out the items that had all 3 colours marked in a cross.
Now ask the students to look at the Sometimes Food Fact Sheet
If a food has 3 yellow crosses, the students puts 3 yellow crosses on their A3 sheet next to that food item.
Each students transfers the crosses in their colour on the chart across to their A3 sheet.
As a group, the team think of a short sentence that lists the foods that have the most crosses and should be eaten the least. The Writer has a go at writing the sentence on the back of their sheet (alternatively they circle the foods that have the most crosses with the black texta). The Speaker shares the sentence or shows their sheet to the whole class.
Materials person collects textas and return to the teacher. Pick up Blu Tak or pins to help hang their A3 Sheet.
Speaker and Writer hang their A3 Sheet somewhere in the room.
As a group, the team think of a short sentence that lists the foods that have the most crosses and should be eaten the least.
The Writer has a go at writing the sentence on the back of their sheet (alternatively they circle the foods that have the most crosses with the black texta). The Speaker shares the sentence or shows their sheet to the whole class.
Materials person collects textas and return to the teacher. Pick up Blu Tak or pins to help hang their A3 Sheet.
Speaker and Writer hang their A3 Sheet somewhere in the room.
plain to the children that our choice of foods can affect if we remain healthy or go backwards in our health because we are not feeding our body the correct mix of foods.
Take the students outside and play, “Who’s Not Been Eating Healthy Food?”
Who’s Not Been Eating Healthy Food? – Outdoor Game
(Similar rules as “What’s the Time Mr Wolf?”)
All students start the game, standing right in front of the teacher
Children chant: “Who’s NOT been eating healthy food?”
Teacher answers: “Anyone who drank a soft drink this week”
Anyone who complies with the statement takes a step backwards.
Children chant: “Who’s NOT been eating healthy food?”
Teacher answers: “Anyone who had a packet of chips this week”
Repeat chant and teacher answers each time using a “Sometimes” food item from the food groups. The last person to reach the other end is the winner.
Swap roles, the winner stands out the front. The teacher may need to assist the student to think of items from the “Sometimes” food group.
Play a number of times to ensure the students are gasping the concept of “Sometimes” foods.
Play the same game but start 10 steps away from the teacher. Teacher calls out the healthy foods and students step forward if they have consumed the food item recently. Teacher calls out unhealthy, sometimes foods and students step backwards if they have eaten the item recently. Stress that honesty is the key to a successful game.