Changing Lives
Uncle Jimmy Thumbs Up! is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians through music, education, and community engagement. The foundation was established by the late Jimmy Little, a renowned musician and actor, who was also a proud member of the Yorta Yorta people.

Good Tucker App
A great way to check out how healthy the food you buying is.
Healthy Recipes
Kukumbat gudwan daga is a cookbook full of healthy recipes
Teaching Resources
Some comprehensive resources for teachers and healthy lifestyle facilitators.
We work across the nation
empowering local communities.

Community Engagement
Thumbs Up! employs a “Whole of Community” approach when working in remote communities working with local stakeholders and organisations.
Music Writing Workshops
The Thumbs Up! School Music Program is a multi-faceted nutrition and lifestyle eduction initiative designed to provide basic health information to Indigenous children.
Cookups and Events
The JLF THumbs Up! team, with the help of community members and stores, often put on a community cookup using recipes from the cookbook.
What people say about us
“The Uncle Jimmy Thumbs Up! have done great work engaging our young people in what they have done in our communitiy and have informed them about eating healthy.”
Lala Rose
Joe – Aurukun Community Council